4 Feng Shui Tips to Bring Harmony to Your Home

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Feng shui is an ancient Chinese theory of promoting harmony and well being through design of physical space. Applying feng shui in your home is about focusing on the flow of energy – or chi – through every room. These four tips will help you create a peaceful, nourishing space that you’ll want to come home to everyday.

Control energy in the entryway

The first step in creating a pleasant energy flow in your home is to regulate what comes in from the outside. You want to have an attractive façade to welcome guests, but you need a barrier against the hustle and bustle of the exterior world.

The goal is to give your home an air of privacy. If you live on a busy street, you can use shrubs, trees, or a large object such as a stone statue to break up the energy. Create a curved path leading to your front door instead of a straight line, and use plants to block the view of your front steps.

Take off your shoes when entering, and encourage your guests to do the same. This symbolises leaving the cares and stress of the day behind, enabling your home to be a relaxing haven. In practical terms, it keeps your environment cleaner by not tracking in dirt.

Place furniture with intention


Your bed should be placed opposite the door of your bedroom so that you have a clear view of the room and door when lying in bed. Your headboard should be against a wall if possible. This configuration promotes a feeling of security and groundedness, and can help you sleep better.

Another tip is to keep electronic gadgets out of the bedroom as much as possible. Avoid watching TV or using your laptop in bed. Electronic currents are said to disturb sleep, so if you keep gadgets nearby, keep them turned off and at least two feet away from the bed.


It’s tempting to arrange your office space so that your desk looks out the window, but the better position according to feng shui principles is to create a commanding position. You want your desk to overlook the room, including the doorway, so that you feel in control while working. This arrangement is more likely to help you stay focused and productive.


Since feng shui is all about energy movement, it makes sense that reducing clutter would help improve the flow. Having unwanted stuff around is disruptive and can cause stress. By keeping your place organised and clean, you’ll feel more centred as you go about your day.

Incorporate the elements

Incorporating the five Chinese elements into your room design can help the space feel balanced and relaxed. The elements are water, fire, earth, wood, and metal. You don’t have to literally include them all. Instead, try using glass for water, ceramics for earth, or candles for fire.

For rooms with windows, open blinds and curtains during the day to let natural light in. Let artificial lighting emulate natural cycles by avoiding bright lights an hour before bed, and using dimmers in the evening.

Plants bring an element of nature indoors and, in feng shui terms, they represent good luck, growth, and prosperity. But take care to keep them healthy looking. There’s nothing uplifting about a sad, droopy plant. Plants with rounded leaves have a more calming effect than other shapes.

Many aspects of feng shui seem like common sense, and they are eminently effective. When your space is clean, calm, and pleasant, you’ll naturally feel more relaxed when you get home at the end of a long day. Feng shui can help you create an oasis where your physical and spiritual energy can be renewed and rejuvenated.

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